The Denim Edit: 10 Jeans To Cop This Season

Denim is a versatile wardrobe that can effortlessly take you through every variety of occasions, tapi dengan berbagai macam washes and fits, memilih jeans untuk dirotasi bisa membuat anda kewalahan.

In our latest style edit, we highlight ten styles of denim that will make your outfit stand out from the crowd. 

Let’s take a look at our favorite denim selections from Wacko Maria, Pleasures, Dickies and more available on Bobobobo

Our first choice landed on the Fire Escape Embroidered Jeans from KidSuper, jeans ini tidak memiliki signature stitching di bagian belakang tapi digantikan dengan desain embroidery yang ikonik. Tidak hanya itu, jeans ini juga dilengkapi dengan leather patch dan belt loop belakang berbentuk letter K.

White denim has emerged as a reliable choice in closets, and it's an undeniably excellent substitute for the classic blue jeans. Oleh karena itu pilihan kami untuk  white jeans yang wajib anda punya jatuh pada Denim Pants dari brand yang terkenal dengan style koleksi yang eksentrik, Wacko Maria.

Pleasures takes the idea of pinstripe to a whole new level with The Impact Pinstripe Denim. These denim pants were here to impress with its logo print pinstripe design. 

These Baggy Boxer Jeans from MM6 Maison Margiela don’t come to play as they are designed with visible boxers along with oversized denim pants that plays with the perception of wearing two separate pieces. Get ready to turn heads when you wear this pair. 

Untuk yang tertarik dengan Jeans dengan Print SKY HIGH FARM WORKWEAR Unisex Charm Print Denim Pants Woven, print di jeans ini bergambar charms atau jimat dari seluruh penjuru dunia, it is designed to depict how stories of good and evil move around in this little world.

Another unique pair of jeans comes from the Japanese brand Undercover. Embellished D-Hand Denim Pants berwarna hitam dengan hiasan berrbetuk tangan di bagian kiri, Tanpa resleting, Jeans ini menggunakan button fly seperti halnya jeans-jeans classic. With known craftsmanship of Japanese denim, these jeans are a valuable addition to anyone's collection. 

Denim Carpenter Pant dari THISISNEVERTHAT dengan double knee padding dan hammer lop sangat cocok untuk anda yang menginginkan rugged look. This pair of jeans checks all those carpenter pants elements perfectly

Keunikan JACQUEMUS Le de Nîmes Criollo Belted Jeans terletak pada tali belt yang melingkar di bagian bawah saku yang disebut Low-slung belts yang mencuri perhatain di fashion show Jacquemus' AW23. 

We believe the trend for jeans will feature wider openings at the legs. To stay ahead of this trend, kami merekomendasikan anda untuk mulai memiliki baggy jeans seperti the Low Slung Baggy Jeans dari AGOLDE

Jeans have been around for more than a hundred years, so there's no harm in relying on those with classic and simple constructions. Dickies brand yang identik dengan workwear-nya hadir dengan Thomasville Denim Jean


Temukan jeans dari brand favorit anda, hanya di Bobobobo!